Thursday, August 14, 2008

Circus & The Church...

So we spent 7 hours (travel, circus, dinner, travel) last night going to the Ringling Bros. Circus. The boys liked it (didn't love it)...I think Emily and I enjoyed it more than them. The actual circus was too long and a beat down...2 hours, intermission, and then almost another hour of performances...which at $10 a ticket was a great value...but a long time to watch clowns, elephants, and dogs dressed up. Oh...and to top it off...the arena vendors wanted $9 for a 20oz lemonade!?!? We didn't get lemonade...I walked down and up the 70 steps (yeah, we had 'nose bleed' seats) to get popcorn and soda from the concession stand.

So I'm thinking...all this hype - "Greatest Show On Earth" (which they didn't deliver on), they wanted your money at every turn, and I left feeling like to much of my time was taken from me. So how does that relate to the church world?!

I'd submit to you that to many churches are promising amazing music, fun stuff for kids, and a hip atmosphere - and they don't deliver on the "hype." To many churches are all about $$$. And all to often people walk away from a Sunday morning service, at some churches, thinking "I'll never get that 1 1/2 or 2 hours back."

I truly believe at Lifepoint we deliver on the "hype" - we've got awesome music, kids who leave wanting to come back, a very casual and inviting atmosphere, we rarely talk about money (yes, we receive weekly tithes and offerings - but I only teach on finances once or twice a year in a Sunday morning setting), and we keep our weekly Sunday morning gatherings to about 60-70 minutes.

All that to say...I won't be going back to the circus for a very long time because of what I experienced there. And what really saddens that so many people all across America will visit a church this weekend for the first time OR for the first time in a long time...and walk away thinking "...I won't be going back to church for a very long time because of what I experienced there..." and that's just not okay. I hope that thought echos in your heart for a long time.

We are the church...make sure that you make people feel welcomed and valued as they come to check out this "church" thing. People are hurting and God cares about them. Other churches out there...don't promise something that you don't deliver on - keep it simple and just love on people.

Hope to see you Sunday.

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