Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wind Knocked Out Of Me...

So this morning, around 9:30am, I had the wind knocked out of me. Not literally...but emotionally and mentally. I finally went to an orthopedic specialist...they're gonna cut me open and do knee (ACL) surgery next Thursday (9.25.08). I knew it was coming and I want it done...but to actually sit with the doctor and schedule the! I left the doctor's office less than thrilled.

What does it all mean? Well...pain, probably...and lots of it for several weeks after the surgery and physical therapy multiple times a week to get back to "NFL ready" condition. It also means that I'll most likely miss at least 1 Sunday...which I hate doing...but I know my staff will do a great job in my absence. It also means being confined to either my bed or the sofa (since we have a two story house and stairs are out of the question for a week or two afterwards). It also means being waited on hand and foot...which I will actually enjoy.

Don't think about me during this time...pray!

Hope to see you Sunday.

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