Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Messing With My Head...

Here's a few quotes / ideas that I came across today that are completely messing with my head:

-A problem cannot be fixed by the same consciousness that created it.

-The church needs artists to help people see clearly what they have always vaguely felt.

-Churches too often look for "Lights, Camera, Action" instead of "Father, Son, Holy Spirit."

-Technology functions somewhat as alcoholism and drug abuse used to. As a counterfeit experience of the ecstatic.

-Every 500 years the church has a yard sale and decides what to keep and what to get rid of...we are in that moment.

-It's amazing that in a faith where we see death and resurrection as beauty...yet we're unwilling to let our churches die (some churches just need a proper burial).

Pretty heavy ideas...but oh so very good!

Hope to see you Sunday.

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