Thursday, March 12, 2009


Question: When was the last time you set up a "portable church" in the pouring rain?

If you would have asked me that Wednesday answer would have been - never. However, this morning my answer is very different. Last night we set up our student ministry, preK, and Kidz the pouring rain. It wasn't just was stinking 37 degrees. Me and 4 other guys pulled up and unloaded our trailer in record time! It's funny how freezing conditions and soaked bodies can increase productivity.

Setting up my thoughts instantly went to ", our student ministry, kids and adult activities tonight are gonna take a huge hit because of the weather..." It's so easy to dwell on the externals and not focus on the job that God has given us. I challenge you to not allow the enemy of your soul to mess with your mind. It's hard...I struggle with it just like everyone else...but the bottom line is that God is God...and we have to trust Him regardless of situations and circumstances.

When the night of frigid temps & rains was over...everyone went home, trailer was loaded and dropped off at the storage facility...we added up the total attendance for the evening. Honestly, I was shocked. We had over 70 people come out to connect with God and grow closer in their relationships with others...despite the freezing temperature and rain. Freakin' awesome! I'm constantly proud of YOU (attenders / members) Lifepoint Church!

Hope to see you Sunday.

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