Sunday, July 20, 2008


Have you ever been this tired?

I'm that tired right now. It seems like this past week has gone by so slow and has been so jammed packed with events, meetings, prep, and busy stuff. It's 10:40pm on Sunday night...and I'm ready for bed.

It's easy for us to get tired during the course of the week...and when Sunday rolls around some of us have a tendency of convincing ourselves that it's ok to "rest" by not going to church. Don't try to tell me people don't do that...I stand on a stage every weekend and I see who's there and who isn't. I know we get sick and travel...but staying home on Sunday morning to rest?! Come on.

I'd say this... If you're drained, tired or worn out...the best place you can be ISN'T at home in your bed...but instead in the presence of God. Try it. Allow Him to strengthen you. Ask Him to recharge your internal battery. Feed off the energy and excitement of those around you - who have come to stand and be counted as Christ followers.

Don't try to "rest" or recharge on your own. Instead, why not allow the creator of the universe to take care of His creation...YOU.

Hope to see you Sunday.

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