Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I got it! The new iPhone 3G. I had to wait 6 days after its release, stand in lines 2 different days and upgrade to a 16GB B/C the 8GB were sold out...but I got it!

Spiritual / church application?! Hmmm... How about this...something for you to think about.

*What it would be like if churches had people lining up outside of them before they opened?
*What if people brought their bibles to church? (we take our cell phones everywhere we go, right?)
*What if we chatted about Christ or what God has done for us...just 1/2 as much as we talk about our new toys?
*If Steve Jobs (Apple founder) ran a would be greeted and welcomed as soon as you walked in the door by volunteers wearing colorful shirts.

Hope to see you Sunday.

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