Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What You Won't See @ Lifepoint...

I'm constantly thinking of new ways to do church: appearance of our facility, stage design, atmosphere, lighting, music, video, etc... Some churches think that using dance can help increase the effectiveness of a message or teaching. This video came across my desk...

I just want to ease everyone's mind...we aren't going to be doing this number anytime soon at Lifepoint Church. However, if Blake is really up for it and finds two back up singers with mad dance skills...I might reconsider.

Oh, and if you watched all 2:50 of that video...I'm guessing there's a pretty good chance you're one of those people on the freeway who slows down to look at a crash scene. Just kidding...sorta.

Hope to see you Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I'm going to have to start reading your blog more often...and yes I watched the whole clip...and yes I like to see as much of an accident as I can...