Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm Moving...

I'm moving... We'll my blog is moving.

For those of you who tend to follow my blog can now find my blog directly on the Lifepoint Church website. Please take some time to check out the new website and location of my blog. I get to wear a LOT of hats as a church planter...and I'm really proud of the new go there now!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm Alive...

I haven't blogged in the last week or two...don't worry...I'm alive. Blogging will resume in the next few days.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Strategic: Reason #3...

Reason #3 - Location, Location, Location.

Strategic reason #3 has multiple parts to it (which will be labeled: 3a, 3b, etc...) - I'll briefly touch on those in a latter posts. All I'm going to say today is that the old adage "location, location, location" is so applicable! The future site of Lifepoint Church is in a hot bed of future development and surrounding infrastructural improvements. Location, location, location!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Great Service, Amazing Staff, Insane Game...

Yesterday, 4.19.09, was pretty close to a perfect day.

We had a great service at Lifepoint Church. The band...they never cease to amazing me. Their cover of "How To Save A Life" was legit! The message was well received and many people came to Christ OR rededicated their walk with Christ...that's what it's all about. And if you missed this past Sunday morning...go to our website and listen to the message...not just to hear the teaching...but to hear the band cover "How To Save A Life" at the end of the teaching.

After the service I took our Lifepoint staff & board (including spouses) to a Rangers day game. We spent a good part of the game in the Diamond Club (great food & awesome view of the field) hanging out and eating. Around the 6th inning we head to our seats...which turned out to be really great seats on the first base corner (lower level). the game really got interesting in the 8th & 9th inning when the Rangers tied it up and won the game with a walk off home run!

I truly am blessed to have such an amazing staff and board who I enjoying doing life with. The men and women in leadership at Lifepoint Church are amazing!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Strategic: Reason #2...

Reason #2 - Denton ISD

The 2nd strategic reason that I want to share with you regarding the future site of Lifepoint that fact that Denton ISD recently purchased 50 acres less than 1/4 of a mile from our future front door (right across the field from our future home). This 50 acres will be the future site of a Denton ISD middle school & high school. This simply means that thousands and thousands of people - students, staff and faculty will be in shadow of Lifepoint Church.

We will have such EXTREME high visibility with thousands of families in the's insane! The new middle and high school will serve families and students in the HWY 380 corridor & FM 720 area: Savannah, Paloma Creek, Providence Village, Crossroads, Cross Oak Ranch, Oak Point and other surrounding areas (not to mention smaller housing developments & future developments).

Thank you Denton ISD for choosing such a great location for a middle & high school...and thank you God! His guidance and provision is amazing!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Strategic: Reason #1...

Over the next few days or weeks I'll be submitting short blogs...each explaining why our future site is so strategic. Each blog in this series of blogs will contain a title that reads "Strategic: Reason #" (other random blogs will carry completely different titles).

Reason #1 - The Price Is Right

In our location land is EXPENSIVE! Not just "...hmmm, that's a lot of money..." expensive. I'm talking "...there's no way in the world we could obtain land unless God has extreme favor on us and does a miracle..." expensive. Which is exactly what has happened. The exact amount is not important at this time...just know that God has given us extreme favor.

We've taken this entire church planting / reaching people for God thing VERY serious. We've done everything we can to be wise with what God has given us, we've committed since day one to give no less than 10% of our general income to missions and we've been faithful with the little things. Luke 16:10-12 says "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?" We've been a blessing to others, we've been faithful, diligent and we've done everything short of sin to reach people...and God has provided!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

What an amazing day at Lifepoint Church! We had a record breaking crowd, Blake and the band were just insane, the teaching was powerful / well received, we had several first time salvations, a ton of rededications and we announced the future location of Lifepoint Church! Simply amazing!

The atmosphere after the service was electric. People were thrilled and excited about the future of Lifepoint Church. We're so honored that God allows us to partner with Him to reach people. I love the people of Lifepoint Church, my staff and my job...I'm having so much fun doing what has called us to do!

Here's the site for the future home of Lifepoint Church. It's on the SW corner of FM 720 & McCormick (about 3 miles west of Savannah and 1 1/2 miles south on FM 720 - roughly 5 or 6 minutes from our current meeting location).

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This Changes Everything...

I got some amazing news today... News that I've been waiting for for over a year.
The news...well...all I'm going to say is...
You gotta be at Lifepoint Church this Sunday, Easter, to hear it first hand. If you can't make it or if you don't live in the can listen to this Sunday's podcast on Monday April 13th.

Seriously...this changes everything!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Face Painting & Idiots...

This past weekend was great...full of face painting & idiots.

A handful of us from Lifepoint attended the Savannah Easter event...painted TONS of little faces and handed out a couple hundred invite cards for our upcoming Easter service. It's always a joy to see eyes light up when the look into a hand held mirror after having their faces painted. Painting little faces may not seem like that big of a deal...but we know that serving, loving, and reaching out to our community chips away at hardened hearts and shows our neighbors that we truly care about them. It's a joy to rub shoulders and show Christ's love to those we come in contact with.

Idiots... I'm not going to take a great deal of time to explain this past weekend's message...go listen online. I will say I had a bunch of people tell me it was the first time they had ever been called an "idiot" at church...they loved it & the message Sunday will stick with them for a very long time!

This weekend at Lifepoint Church is going to be REDONKULOUS!
We're starting a brand new teaching series, "Mixtape", and it's EASTER!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Easter Invite Card & Free iTunes Download...

Here's the invite card I designed for our "Mixtape" series we're doing starting April 12th - Easter.



"Today" is the first song, from our upcoming Lifepoint worship album, that's completely mixed and mastered. "Today" is also the song that we're giving away as a free iTunes download (as listed on the back of the Easter invite card).

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Keep On Truckin'...

This week is a busy and exciting one...just like every other one. Monday night we had about 20 people in our home. We hosted and feed a bunch of students and leaders from our sister church ( in South Texas. Tonight, Tuesday, we're feeding about 100 college students at UNT as an outreach event. Wednesday night at Revolution, our youth ministry, one of my interns - Kevin - is preaching (I love helping and mentoring young guys who are called into ministry). Wednesday night we also continue our "evangelism" emphasis in our men's & women's Point Groups. Thursday & Friday will be devoted to prep work for Sunday...I'm also trying to score tickets to the races this weekend. Saturday we'll be painting a ton of faces and handing out hundreds of invite cards at the Savannah Easter event. And Sunday...we gather at Lifepoint Church! I love my job.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


So after the morning service today at Lifepoint...I dismissed the crowd, turned off my microphone, turned around and Blake was on stage and he looked at me and said "...dude, that was hardcore..." Hardcore?! A sermon, message, teaching (whatever you want to call it) hardcore?!?! I said "...hardcore good OR bad..." And his response was "...hardcore good..."

It was a really great day at Lifepoint...great worship...and the message was hardcore. It was VERY well received and very much needed. We discussed four things that we're all, as a church & followers of Christ, going to do to reach people. What are those four things? 1- Do everything short of sin to reach people. 2-Do more with less (wise use of finances / resources). 3- Work together to accomplish more (not just within Lifepoint, but working with other churches). 4- We will make a difference in our communities.

That's what we're going to questions asked. Reach people, reach people, reach people. The local church is what Christ left us...and we need to step it up and be the church in action. Hardcore!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today Was A Good Day...

To quote the great Ice Cube " was a good day..."

We had a really good morning at Lifepoint...starting a new teaching series that serves to remind us what our mission is as the church. From time to time we have to be reminded, challenged, encouraged and pushed. This morning's talk was very stern, but taught in love. If we, church staff, can't be honest and transparent with those who attend...who's going to do it? I'm just like everyone else...I need a firm kick in the butt sometimes.

After our time together at church...a whole bunch of us headed down to the park for a cook out and a time of just hanging out. So much food! Everyone ate way to much and just sat around enjoying each other's company. Several of us played "cornhole"...the worlds greatest redneck game. So much fun...with so many great people. Today was a good day.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


This past week we decided to go visit family up in Iowa...NEVER AGAIN. The time with family was great and we value every minute we get with them, but I don't want to make that trip by car ever again. I'm not sure if it's the 11 hours in the car, a screaming baby at times, a 4 year old who can't sit for more than 20 minutes without asking "...are we in Iowa yet?" or a 7 year old who's an accident waiting to happen (countless splinters, skinned knees and fingers caught in car door) that makes me never want to take the trip again.

The bottom line is that we made it...we're home and everyone is alive. I'm just now feeling "rested" from my vacation after being home 24 hours. Maybe from now on we can sucker family into driving down to Texas.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Prayer Series...

We finished our prayer series was a great series. And after teaching about prayer for the last 3 weeks...I came to the simple realization that this prayer thing is really simple. The way that Jesus taught us to pray, the reasons behind prayer, the mystery behind unanswered's all so simple. But so many of us don't pray like we should. So many of us don't have a hunger and appetite for that intimate connection with God. What a shame.

It's simple...God clearly shows us how to do it. So do it!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday Night Fever...

I'm all for polyester suites, disco shoes, mirrored balls, lit-up dance floors and shaking my groove thang (yeah, I said it...lay off me). But the Saturday Night Fever that I'm dealing with right now doesn't have any of those elements. Instead, I'm working with: cold sweats, huge headache, queasy stomach and body aches...not fun. What makes it even entire family is sick OR is just getting over the same stuff. Don't come to our house. I'm going to bed...pray for us.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Question: When was the last time you set up a "portable church" in the pouring rain?

If you would have asked me that Wednesday answer would have been - never. However, this morning my answer is very different. Last night we set up our student ministry, preK, and Kidz the pouring rain. It wasn't just was stinking 37 degrees. Me and 4 other guys pulled up and unloaded our trailer in record time! It's funny how freezing conditions and soaked bodies can increase productivity.

Setting up my thoughts instantly went to ", our student ministry, kids and adult activities tonight are gonna take a huge hit because of the weather..." It's so easy to dwell on the externals and not focus on the job that God has given us. I challenge you to not allow the enemy of your soul to mess with your mind. It's hard...I struggle with it just like everyone else...but the bottom line is that God is God...and we have to trust Him regardless of situations and circumstances.

When the night of frigid temps & rains was over...everyone went home, trailer was loaded and dropped off at the storage facility...we added up the total attendance for the evening. Honestly, I was shocked. We had over 70 people come out to connect with God and grow closer in their relationships with others...despite the freezing temperature and rain. Freakin' awesome! I'm constantly proud of YOU (attenders / members) Lifepoint Church!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight Savings Sucks...

Daylight savings (especailly springing forward) sucks! At least that's what I was thinking about 10:05 Sunday morning, when there was only about 1/3 of our normal Sunday morning crowd sitting in the auditorium. I decided to just sit in the front row (not looking at the crowd behind me) and not worrying about the attendance...because there really isn't anything that can be done about it anyways (not at 10:05 anyways).

When I got up to, was I surprised! A whole bunch of people showed up between 10:05 and 10:30...we actually had a really good crowd. The entire service from beginning to end was lights out. The worship Sunday morning was SOLID...Blake and the guys really tore it was great! And there was a lot of good feedback about the teaching as well.

You never know what's gonna happen when God shows up.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today I rested for the first time in...well, I can't remember when. I went golfing with my dad, ate buffalo wings, took a nap and didn't once think about Lifepoint Church. I can't remember the last time a day went by where I didn't do something church related. And as much as I love and am passionate about Lifepoint was nice to rest.

I challenge and encourage you to rest. If you have the chance to it. I know that I'm going to be refreshed and ready to go starting early Friday morning.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today we started a great series of talks called "Prayer." We kicked off the series with just a simple foundation of what prayer is: communicating with God...that's it. I'm really excited and the feedback today after the service was great. Next week we'll be looking at the mystery of unanswered prayers and in week 3 we'll learn how pray like Jesus prayed.

Today, in week 1, we covered why people don't pray:
1. People aren't sure how to pray.
2. We get bored or distracted while trying to pray.
3. We think our requests are too small for God.
4. People aren't sure if our prayers will make a difference.

We also looked at four steps in talking to God:
1. With gut-level honesty.
2. Talk to God about everything that matters to you.
3. Pray continually.
4. Listen for His response...this is the most important in my opinion!

I'm excited with what God is doing at Lifepoint and the direction, momentum and future...

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Look...

I've spent some time over the last several days working to get the Lifepoint Church website updated. The main page has a new feel...I've removed some of the previous elements and added a cleaner looking "rotating banner." The rotating banner (when clicked on will take you to the information within the site that directly relates to the image clicked on) is just a simple way to make the site look cleaner and to change things up a bit.

From time to time we personally need to change things up and get a cleaner look in our personal lives. Even when it feels like and seems like we're rolling along in our journey with Christ. We need to be willing to pray the prayer that David prayed in Psalm 139. David says " me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts..." - and this is a deep and powerful prayer that we should all pray. We need to pray this prayer often because we at times, not intentionally, can deceive ourselves and overlook some things that may be in our lives, thoughts and hearts...that shouldn't be there.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Crazy Awesome...

So, I had the opportunity to go to C3 last night...and took it! What's C3? C3 is the "creative church conference" that Fellowship Church puts on every year. Last night was amazing! Pretty much standing room only and the crowd was truly electric. There was a tremendous sense of anticipation around what was going to happen.
Last night's session had both Ed Young (Pastor of Fellowship Church) and Craig Groeschel (Pastor of speaking...and what they had to say was incredible!
In all honesty when we pulled into the parking lot last night I was sick and really just wanted to go home. I decided to tough it out and I am so glad that I did. I walked away from the conference last night excited, inspired, challenged and ready to take on the world. To all my friends in ministry...let me just say this - go to C3 next year OR any conference that inspires you! I LOVE being around so many creative, innovative, inspiring and God fearing leaders!

If you can't tell...I'm pumped!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Heart Of The Matter...

Yesterday we continued our current series "Red Letters" - looking at "the heart of the matter." It's interesting when you fully examine Matthew 5:8 how wrong so many churches and religious systems are. To often churches, leaders and religious systems try to "fix" people from the outside in - "...don't do this...don't do that...start doing this..." and that's not what it's about. Here's the question we need to ask "...if you stop doing 'bad habit XYZ - aka SIN'...will your heart be right with God...or have you simply changed your habits?"

The problem is not with external issues OR's ALWAYS a heart issue. Always. And for the church world to place so much emphasis on externals is wrong. And what is saddening is that those who have yet to cross the line of faith...they see this and want nothing to do with the church because they think it's all about rules.

When our hearts grow cold...our values get inverted. It's that simple. When our heart grows cold - things that should matter don't. When we don't have God as our single-minded ambition...everything gets out of whack. The heart has to change...has to be renewed. It's the heart of the's the heart that has to change. And we are all in need of a new heart...a begging dependancy on God.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Leadership Thought...

After watching a recent televised event I came to several's one that I want to share with you:

A true leader will take responsibility and deal with what needs to be dealt with...without blaming those who came before him / her. A true leader (regardless of the setting: church, marketplace, politics OR even the local PTA) will take care of business and not push blame, will handle situations and not say "'s not because of me..." and a true leader will lead even if nobody is following.

I'm continually honored and humbled to be able to lead such an amazing church, amazing people, and those in the surrounding area. While we are currently reaching roughly 175 people on a weekly basis...I do everything I can to lead as though we're reaching thousands. Why? Because someday we will be reaching thousands...and we're already praying for them and that day.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Always Check You Child's Homework...

Things aren't always what they appear...just remember that as you go through this journey of life.
From the mom (the names have been changed to protect the innocent)

Dear Mrs. Jones (the teacher),

I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer.
I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn’t show me dancing around a pole. It’s supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot. From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.

Mrs. Home Depot

Thought you might enjoy this...hope you did.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Change Is In The Air...

This morning was yet another great day at Lifepoint. It was also a sad day, because today we announced the departure of our student pastor - Johnny - and his wife Stephanie. They have accepted a full time position at a church in Flower Mound and as they leave we will miss them. Johnny is a great friend of mine (in and outside of ministry) and God is going to use him in an awesome way at his new church.

We're also so incredibly excited about what God is doing at Lifepoint. The time for mourning and goodbyes must be short...we've got a great deal of work still ahead of us. The "Big Mo" is still in full effect...

Hope to see you Sunday.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's Official...

It's official...Lifepoint "Point Groups" are kicking! Tonight we launched our Men's, Women's and Student Point Groups...and the turn out for the very first night was awesome. We had around 10 or 12 who made an effort to notify us saying that they wouldn't be able to make it for various reasons...and still had well over 80 in total attendance!

For those of you who read this blog...I'm sure you're tired of hearing it...but I'm so pumped! You have no idea how excited I am with what God is doing at Lifepoint Church. The direction, momentum, buy-in, and future has me absolutely thrilled and humbled.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Messing With My Head...

Here's a few quotes / ideas that I came across today that are completely messing with my head:

-A problem cannot be fixed by the same consciousness that created it.

-The church needs artists to help people see clearly what they have always vaguely felt.

-Churches too often look for "Lights, Camera, Action" instead of "Father, Son, Holy Spirit."

-Technology functions somewhat as alcoholism and drug abuse used to. As a counterfeit experience of the ecstatic.

-Every 500 years the church has a yard sale and decides what to keep and what to get rid of...we are in that moment.

-It's amazing that in a faith where we see death and resurrection as beauty...yet we're unwilling to let our churches die (some churches just need a proper burial).

Pretty heavy ideas...but oh so very good!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, February 2, 2009

What Can I Say...

What can I say!

We moved to a new location this past Sunday and did everything we could to notify those who attend. In fact, we sent out a mass email and letter to anyone who has ever even stepped foot into one of our services...just to let them know about the change in location. All that time, finances (stamps are getting to be expensive) and energy...and we still had nearly 30 of our regulars not show up. And guess what?!?! We still had right around 130 in attendance! Wow!

We've got a firm base of around 160 people...that doesn't include all of our students that show up on Wednesday nights...add in those students and we're currently reaching as many as 175 people on a weekly basis! How crazy is that? For a church that's 16 months old, with NO mother church, and a original "core group" of only 15 adults...that's flippin' awesome! And guess what?!?! We're no where close to being done!

We're starting our brand "Point Groups" this Wednesday night for men, women, and students (Pre-K through 12th grade). What are Point Groups? Point Groups are what we at Lifepoint Church refer to as our "gatherings & studies" outside of Sunday mornings. They will be a time of cultivating genuine relationships and spiritual growth. We'll have seperate men's and women's Point Groups...and what's really cool is that our students (Pre-K through 12th grade) will have their own groups as well. Savannah Elementary, on Wednesday nights, will now be our "student center"...full out children's ministry and youth service...with plenty of room for growth!

All that to say...I'm pumped about the momentum we have and direction that we're going as a church. Next "growth barrier" we come...and we're not just gonna break it...we're gonna shatter that mug. God is amazing and using us to do amazing things!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The "Big Mo"...

Today at Lifepoint Church we had the "Big Mo" in full effect. What's the "Big Mo"? Momentum baby! It's also apparently a creamy caramel chocolate bar with Dale Earnhardt Jr's face on the wrapper...but what I'm talking about today is MOMENTUM. We added 20 new adults members this past Thursday night + anticipation of our upcoming "point groups" (starting Feb. 4th) + throw in the current teaching series we're in...what does that equal? Momentum. Today we had a good number of our regulars out and we still had nearly 90 adults in the main service...with somewhere around 130-140 in the building. The "Big Mo" is a leader's best friend. Not only does it encourage leadership...but it excites attenders / members.

I truly believe with all my heart that, between now and the end of the school year (May/June), we have the propensity OR ability to reach and break the next growth barrier of 200 people in weekly attendance. Right now, between our Sunday morning service and Wednesday night student ministry, we're already ministering to around 150 people a week. Once our "point groups" start on Feb. 4th and we start doing a full scale youth service (also starting Feb. 4th) prayer and gut tells me that we're gonna be knocking on the door of 200 in weekly attendance...and knocking on it soon!

"Big Mo"...I love you (momentum NOT the candy bar).
And I'm constantly humbled that God is using us and allowing us to partner with Him to reach people in Savannah, Paloma Creek, Providence Village, Little Elm, Frisco, Aubrey, and surrounding areas.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Class 101...

Wow! Last night we had our first "Class 101" (membership class) of 2009. Including children we had over 45 people in one home for the class - that's insane (a good insane)! We had an awesome much energy, excitement, and desire to be a part of what God is doing at Lifepoint Church.

During the course of "Class 101" I share the story of Lifepoint Church, we cover Salvation, Baptism, Communion, our purpose, statements of faith (what we believe), our strategy, structure, and the future of Lifepoint Church. If it sounds like a lot of info...that's because it is. But it's all so very important for those considering membership to know actually who we are as a church.

I'm so pumped about everyone who became a member last! We've got a ton of great people who love God and want to partner with us to reach people in this area. I'm praying and believing that 2009 is just going to be unreal & unbelievable for us as a church...and more importantly, for the Kingdom of God!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Amazing (Sunday & Recording)...

We had another AMAZING day at Lifepoint! A great crowd, strong worship, and great teaching...lots of good feedback today. After we packed up and everyone left...we recored and filmed our 1st ever Lifepoint worship album. Man, our band is one of the best bands around...period. The talent level, style, attitudes, and anointing on these guys is ridiculous! In the words of MC Hammer "you can't touch this!"'s the plan: we're going to mix and master the audio and edit all the video footage...with the intentions of having the video portion done 2 weeks before Easter so that we can have it on our website as a "sneak peek" of Lifepoint Church for all of our guests on Easter and Sundays to come. We're also going to press a bunch of CDs - probably 1,000 for the first run - and sell them to our attenders and members. Here's the cool thing...for every CD you buy...we'll give you one for FREE so you can give it to a friend, neighbor, co-worker OR classmate as an outreach / invite tool...pretty cool, huh?!

All that to say...I'm exhausted and continually thrilled at what God is doing and the fact that He chooses to use us to reach people in this area. Enjoy a few pictures from the recording session today (you can check out more on my facebook page).

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Wow! What an amazing day at Lifepoint Church. We started a brand new series called "Red Letters." This morning we looked specifically at the first three verses in Matthew chapter 5. I'm not going to recap today's just need to listen to it on our website ( // click on the podcast link on the main page). This series of talks is going to be just amazing...I'm not the only one who's thrilled...the feedback today was tremendous. It's fun to be part of something awesome that God is doing.

After church this morning we had our monthly staff lunch and meeting. Let me just tell you that there isn't a better staff around...I'm constantly impressed with their gifts, talents, creativity, and willingness to do whatever it takes to see people come to God. The next couple of months are gonna be great...lots of stuff on the schedule and ultimately things that will help us reach those who are far from God.

Next week...get to Lifepoint Church early...I wouldn't want you to not get a seat!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


A very wise and amazing pastor recently posted this...I thought it was worth a repost:

The Differences I'm Thankful For:

* Social conscious of the United Methodists.
* Emphasis on being born again from the Baptists.
* Focus on holiness from the Nazarenes.
* Power of the Holy Spirit in the Charismatics.
* Evangelistic hearts of the seeker sensitive leaders.
* Message of grace from the Lutherans.
* Attention to right doctrine from the Bible Church leaders.
* Heartfelt worship from Pentecostals.
* …and much more more!

I’m thankful that God uses different Christian Churches as His light in a dark world!

I'm thankful that Lifepoint Church is full of people from almost all of these backgrounds...God is using us to be the light in a dark world!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

State Of The Church '09...

This past Sunday, January 4th - 2009, I gave the first ever Lifepoint "State Of The Church" address. We revisited the vision of Lifepoint Church (Lifepoint Church is a community of real people committed to connecting individuals to Christ through: Genuine Relationships, Engaging Worship, and Relevant Teaching). We also made sure that each and every person understands our mission, which we refer to as "L3" (L3-live, learn, lead - live life together, learn about those around us and more about Christ, and lead others to God). Just so we're on the same page - our "vision" helps us accomplish our "mission."

In Sunday's "State Of The Church" message I clearly laid out the rules for 2009, that Lifepoint Church will follow, and casted vision for what is to come. What does that mean for Lifepoint Church?! It means that 2009 is going to be an amazing year for Lifepoint Church, it's attenders, and those in the surrounding communities!

The rules for 2009:
1. We're going to break the rules.
We're going to do what nobody else is doing, to reach who nobody else is reaching!

2. We're going to believe God for the impossible.
Salvations, healings, land aquisition, future building, greater missions giving, etc...

3. We're going to redefine success.
We won't use the same standards that the "church" in America uses.

I fully believe that God will use Lifepoint Church in 2009 and the coming years to reach thousands of people...thousands! You have no idea how excited and honored I am to be part of what God is doing.

Hope to see you Sunday.