Monday, July 28, 2008


We had a great morning at Lifepoint this past Sunday (7.27.08). However, the community that we live in suffered a tragedy. A young family here in Savannah lost their youngest child in an unfortunate accident (go here to read more about the story::

If you come across this blog entry...please be in prayer for the mother, father, and remaining children in the home. This event would bring any family to the breaking point. Please pray for peace, understanding and the comfort of God to cover this home.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Christian Paraphernalia...

I'm reading this great book right now...actually two: "To Busy Not To Pray" & "They Like Jesus But Not The Church" we're gonna touch briefly on the latter of the two and something I saw this morning at Starbucks.

In "They Like Jesus But Not The Church"...the concept (at least in the first few chapters) is that people who aren't "Christians" have a distorted view of "Christians" - and rightfully so. We use a coded language - calling each other "brother & sister" - we talk about the blood of Jesus (which to the outsider seems bizarre), there have been numerous moral failures by pastors that make the 6 O'clock news, and church can seem like a club that doesn't want new members. We as "Christians" insulate ourselves in this church bubble...where all our friends are christians, we all have the similar habits and lifestyles, and we even have our own "Christian paraphernalia" (clothing, jewelry, bumper stickers, etc...).

Which brings me to my time at Starbucks this morning. I got there early to get my $4 caffeine fix and to study for Sunday mornings teaching. About an hour into my studies...three guys walked in. As a pastor and having held other staff positions in the past...I'm pretty good at spotting "church staff / pastors" when I'm out and about. These three guys walk into Starbucks...and instantly I peg them as "staff pastors" and I notice they're wearing Christian t-shirts (their t-shirts weren't as lame as the ones to the left...but pretty close). And instantly I recall the stuff I've been reading in "They Like Jesus But Not The Church."

These guys might as well be wearing t-shirts with the text printed in Sanskrit or Hieroglypics...stuff that is completely foreign to everyone alive today. That's what non-Christians see when we're promoting our "religion" on t-shirts and bumper stickers...something that isn't relevant or meaningful to them.

I'd challenge you on a few things...
* Get out of your "bubble" of Christian influence...your Christian friends are already Christians...spend some time with non-believers.
* Be real and transparent with people you come across.
* Let people see Christ in your actions...BEFORE you ever mention Him.
* Please don't wear lame Christian t-shirts...just I'm not...yes, I am...kinda.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Feel Like A Proud Pappa...

We'll today I got my student pastor, Johnny, a Macbook...his very first Mac. It's funny to watch people as they make the transition from a "personal computer" to a Mac...I crossed that line back in August of 2007...and I'm forever changed.

So anyways...we got Johnny a Mac today...and watching him open and remove the computer from the box made me feel like a proud pappa on Christmas morning watching his kid open the "perfect" gift.

You know I can't help think that's the same way God feels towards us...He offers His perfect gift of mercy and salvation...and when we come to Him...I know that brings Him joy.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Too Busy Not To Pray...

It seems like I've been really busy lately...and I don't believe it's a coincidence that I recently started reading "Too Busy Not To Pray" by Bill Hybels. So far I've been really impressed with the reading and have found my time with this book to be very worth while.

I'm not going to give you a recap of the book...I'm just going to say this: If you're not praying (spending time with God) because you can't find the time to do it...then read this book.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, July 21, 2008

To-Do List...

I know I'm not the only one with a "to-do list" that feels like it's a mile long. We live in a world where we are constantly running: mow lawn, clean the house, pay the bills, go to work, finish projects, drop kids off at soccer, run to Wal-Mart, pick kids up at soccer, make dinner, "quality time" with kids, put kids to bed, "quality time" with spouse, sleep... Sound familiar?

I would submit to you that the bible says we can't plan for tomorrow B/C we’re not guaranteed tomorrow. Today is the only time that we have…that is why today matters. And most of the time we miss it B/C of a few reasons.

1st thing: We over-exaggerate yesterday…our past successes or failures often look bigger to us, in hindsight, then they actually were.

2nd thing: We over-estimate tomorrow...most of us are optimistic and we believe that our future days are going to be better than today.

3rd thing: We under-estimate today...we often fail to recognize today's value and potential.

Today matters...don't let that "to-do list" overwhelm you...know that today is the only day that you have within your grasp.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Have you ever been this tired?

I'm that tired right now. It seems like this past week has gone by so slow and has been so jammed packed with events, meetings, prep, and busy stuff. It's 10:40pm on Sunday night...and I'm ready for bed.

It's easy for us to get tired during the course of the week...and when Sunday rolls around some of us have a tendency of convincing ourselves that it's ok to "rest" by not going to church. Don't try to tell me people don't do that...I stand on a stage every weekend and I see who's there and who isn't. I know we get sick and travel...but staying home on Sunday morning to rest?! Come on.

I'd say this... If you're drained, tired or worn out...the best place you can be ISN'T at home in your bed...but instead in the presence of God. Try it. Allow Him to strengthen you. Ask Him to recharge your internal battery. Feed off the energy and excitement of those around you - who have come to stand and be counted as Christ followers.

Don't try to "rest" or recharge on your own. Instead, why not allow the creator of the universe to take care of His creation...YOU.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I got it! The new iPhone 3G. I had to wait 6 days after its release, stand in lines 2 different days and upgrade to a 16GB B/C the 8GB were sold out...but I got it!

Spiritual / church application?! Hmmm... How about this...something for you to think about.

*What it would be like if churches had people lining up outside of them before they opened?
*What if people brought their bibles to church? (we take our cell phones everywhere we go, right?)
*What if we chatted about Christ or what God has done for us...just 1/2 as much as we talk about our new toys?
*If Steve Jobs (Apple founder) ran a would be greeted and welcomed as soon as you walked in the door by volunteers wearing colorful shirts.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, July 14, 2008


I finally got an iPhone back in February of this year...and I love it! Then...the new 3G came out this past weekend...and I gotta have it. Problem...I don't have the money for it. So I put an ad on for my phone and sold it for more than an enough to get the new fact, I could get the 16GB if I wanted to...and I'd like the 16GB...but I'm cool with the 8GB.

So after I met some lady in a restaurant parking lot and sold her my iPhone...I headed straight to the closest Apple store. I had cash in hand and and was ready for an iPhone upgrade. But as I rounded the corner...I found about 100 other people in line wanting to get their hands on the same thing. So I waited and waited and waited...after about 2 hours an Apple employee came out and said the 8GB iPhones are all gone. So, I figured...if I get the 8GB I'll be able to pocket a bit of money...if I get the 16GB I'll be out a few bucks.

I know you're sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what I decided to do. Let's just say this...don't try to call me for a day or two...I'm currently without a cell phone. I'll let you know when I get the upgrade.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lifepoint Church 1st Annual Bap-ti-que
(Baptism & BBQ)...

Wow! That's all I can say. We had an amazing day at Little Elm beach. Nearly 60 friends from Lifepoint Church assembled for our first ever Bap-ti-que (Baptism & BBQ). Not only did we have around 60 in attendance...we baptized 7 Lifepointers! How cool is that?! And we have 6 more that I know of that want to be baptized before the weather gets to cold = 13 water baptisms in our first year as Lifepoint Church.

I'm so proud of our attenders and members. Wow! It brings me so much joy to see everyone come together to celebrate and support one another. God is so amazing. The fact that Lifepoint Church even exists is amazing...and that He's continually trusting us with more and more people...we're humbled and honored to be doing His will. I'm so proud of our people (didn't I already say that?!)!

Enjoy some pictures from today.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lifepoint Gear...

Have you always wanted a t-shirt, hat, backpack, license plate holder, mug, journal or baby bib that shows your love and loyalty for Lifepoint Church?

Well, wait no further...official Lifepoint Church gear is NOW available!

Go to to begin filling your online shopping cart with tons of Lifepoint Church goodies. Enjoy!

Hope to see you Sunday.

This Saturday...

This Saturday is the first annual Lifepoint Church "BAPTIQUE" = Baptism & BBQ! I'm so excited! We've got a good number of people who are taking part in the baptism and we've invited the entire church out for a celebration. Fire up the grill, slap down some hamburgers, and dunk some people!

This Saturday, July 12th, from 10am-1pm at the Little Elm Beach Park.

Contact the church office: 972.347.9598 - for more information / directions.

Hope to see you Saturday & Sunday.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I have no rational explanation why I'm surrounded by the staff that I have...other than the fact that God is involved. I have an awesome worship leader, loving and caring kidz director, and excellent student pastor...then there's me...go figure!

I spent a good part of the day yesterday hanging out at Starbucks planning this coming Sunday with my worship leader and student pastor...I need time with them - creativity and ideas flying all over the place. I need that. I need time with do you! We can't just close ourselves off and come together once a week for an hour...that just doesn't cut it. I can't imagine how much stronger we ALL would be if we constantly surrounded ourselves with other Christ followers.

Here's the catch...we can't neglect our friends and neighbors who have yet to cross that line of faith...they may not know it...but they need our attention. If they know you go to church...but you don't have any time for them...or act just like is wrong. We are called to go into all the world...for me it's Savannah, Paloma Creek, Providence Village, Aubrey, Little Elm, and other areas along HWY reach make disciples.

What if we did that? What if we all reached people and made disciples? Hmmm...interesting concept, huh? The relationships we make, develop, and cultivate are so very important...they carry eternal weight. Do your part!

Hope to see you Sunday.