Monday, December 29, 2008

2008...Where Did You Go?

This past week and a half for me has been just a blur...parties, food, gifts, food, phone calls, food, cards, food, returning gifts...the list goes on. I wanted to make sure, before 2008 was gone forever, to post a handful of "moments" from 2008 that hold a great deal of significance for myself and Lifepoint Church.

Here we go:
* Dozens of people giving their lives to Chirst (first time & re-dedications).
* Our first ever staff retreat...what a great time of bonding.
* Record attendance at Easter & our 1 year anniversary.
* Our first ever "mega sports camp" for elementary aged children (tons of kids & great adult volunteers).
* An amazing Easter outreach.
* Our first ever missions trip as Lifepoint Church (Mexico outreach with Palm Valley Church - Mission, Tx).
* Lifepoint Church's inaugural "Bap-ti-que"...which is baptisms & a BBQ at the lake...what a great event.
* 1st ever baptisms (goes along with the "bap-ti-que").
* Families healing and growing closer to God and each other.
* Our 1 year anniversary (some thought we wouldn't make it...HA! God is awesome).
* A great "fall fest" outreach.
* Tremendous growth (we saw over 40 people become regular attenders just between between September & November).
* Lifepoint youth group grew to well over 20 students.
* We consistently gave at least 10% of our general fund to missions each and every month!

God is amazing!

What does 2009 have in store for Lifepoint Church?! I have no idea... I have hopes, dreams, and desires...and I know that God is in control. Please pray that we continue to have favor with God and man as we pursue several HUGE things in 2009! Thank you for being a part of Lifepoint Church in 2008.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas...

Merry Christmas from: Me, Asher...and the rest of the Thompson crew (Emily, Greyson, & Tatem).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Common Sense...

Some people just don't have common sense: children, teens, 20-something's, parents, and even some pastors. For example...take a look at this playground at a church. Who in the world would design such a thing? And who in their right mind would pay for it? People without common sense...that's who.

I know that I don't have everything figured out...and my common sense probably far outweighs my "book smarts"...but it's so encouraging to know that we're doing things right. How do I know Lifepoint is doing things right? Growth! We're seeing on average around 150 people at our weekly services (Sunday morning, bible studies, youth, etc...), not bad for a guy that some felt shouldn't plant or is just a "dreamer." The thing is...there are a lot of churches that aren't growing and a lot of churches that aren't even maintaining. How do I know this? Because I see them...I know who they are...unfortunately they're everywhere. That saddens me because people who haven't encountered Christ see those churches and think they are a direct reflection of Him...stale, without vision, and lacking direction...who would want to be a part of something like that? Nobody with common sense.

Common sense should tell leadership to follow what God has placed on your heart (vision, direction, style, etc...). Common sense isn't trying a new format, fresh paint, or a facade to cover up what isn't working. Lifepoint is only about 15 months old (and again - we don't have it all figured out) but we have a great deal of common sense...and more importantly we seek God for wisdom and direction.

Just a side note:
I wonder if the church that installed the above play area even tried to get a refund?!

Have an amazing Christmas!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Again?! Yes, Again...

It happened again...we had another great day at Lifepoint yesterday! This is starting to become a habit that I could get used to. We had a bunch of our regular attenders out traveling...and we still had a really great crowd! I love the fact the God keeps bringing us new people...I'm thrilled, honored, and humbled every time a new individual or family shows up. It shows me that we're doing things right...that we're following God's plan for Lifepoint Church...and as a result, He's trusting us with more and more people. Thank you for being a part of Lifepoint Church!

My plan is to blog before the end of the year about all the amazing things that God did in 2008 at Lifepoint...

Hope to see you Sunday.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wooo Hooo...

Two words: Woooo Hoooo!

Last night we had our Lifepoint Church staff Christmas party at Dave and Buster's in Frisco, Texas. The food was ridiculous (ask Blake about the donut holes), the conversations were priceless, the games where exciting, and the the end result was a great time of bonding and enjoying each other's company. It's so important to continually cultivate the relationships we have with those around us. To celebrate wins in ministry and in our personal lives. And to know others and make ourselves known.

I'm so thrilled and honored to have such a talented staff, amazing church, and wonderful family. It seems like, even in difficult times, that the "wins" and successes that have a direct connection to Christ...they far exceed our tough times. We have seen so many "wins" over the past year at Lifepoint Church (I'll try to blog about some of them before the end of the year).

Two words: Wooo Hooo! They don't only describe our outing last night...but the way I feel every Sunday morning at Lifepoint, the way I feel when I'm with friends, and the way I feel when I'm with those I love.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, December 15, 2008


So from the looks of things (malls, Wal-Marts, Interstates, and major intersections) I'm not that only one who's busy. This time of year is so very special, so full of joy, and stress. This is the only time of the year where, within one month's time, we plan and attend multiple parties, take family pictures and send them to every person we've ever met, completely redecorate our homes (inside & out), and if that wasn't enough...we take our kids out of school for a few weeks just to add to the craziness.

I don't know about you...but I've got pretty much all my shopping left to do...I've still got 9 days. While we search and drive from store to store looking for that perfect gift...there are so many people that we pass who have yet to experience God's gifts at Christmas. Yesterday at Lifepoint we talked in great detail about "God's Gift Exchange." We learned how important it is and how blessed we are to be able to give God our worry, hurt, and grief...and in return He gives us His peace, healing, and joy. And while many of us have crossed that line of faith, accepting Christ as our savior, there are yet so many busy people who don't yet know about God's wonderful gift exchange.

I want to challenge you, regardless of what church you attend, to be mindful and eager to share with others the gifts that God has given you. Easter and Christmas are two of the easiest times of the year to invite someone to church. Don't let yourself get to busy, don't miss opportunities to invite those you know and care about...their lives could be forever changed!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Yesterday (12.7.08) was yet another wicked awesome day at Lifepoint Church. Blake and the band rocked, we had a ton of new kids, had to put out extra rows of seats in the adult auditorium...which is always better than having empty seats, and we showed off Asher (Thompson baby #3 for the first time). Yesterday (12.7.08) was our 4th largest 1 day attendance (behind our grand opening, 1 year anniversary, and Easter).

Every Sunday is exciting and full of purpose...but when a whole bunch of people (regular attenders & guests) show! The energy, excitement, anticipation, and vibe in the building is just amazing. I'm looking forward to doing it again next Sunday (12.14.07)...I'm praying for our largest 1 day attendance next week (please pray with me). That's why we're reach people: to live our lives together, learn more about Christ and His plan for our lives, and lead others to Him (L3). What an amazing journey we're on...

Hope to see you Sunday.

Friday, December 5, 2008


As the year is coming to a close...I find myself sitting back and reflecting on some goals I had set for myself and Lifepoint Church. I spent about 6 hours in the car yesterday driving out to Abilene to meet with a friend and church I had a lot of time to think. During my talk with Chuck, that's not what I call myself when I'm alone...Chuck is my friend in Abilene, I realized that one goal in particular was most likely going to be reached before the end of the year...possibly even this Sunday. What's that goal?!?! I'm not's my goal...not yours. But it's an important church planting milestone.

All that rambling to say this...if you don't have goals in your personal life, marriage, with your kids, at school, work, and most importantly'll never reach them. If you don't have won't achieve them. Sounds incredibly simple...yet so very true.

If you don't have a goal / desire to grow closer to Christ in your daily walk (through reading the Bible & prayer)...guess what? You won't grow. Other things might just happen to you at work, home or school...but spiritual growth just doesn't happen. I challenge you to set spiritual goals for yourself and your family. Grow, grow, grow...

P.S.~ I found this in Abilene...Christmas is just around the corner. Hint, hint!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Asher Isaiah Thompson...

The much anticipated arrival of Thompson Boy #3 has come. We welcomed Asher Isaiah into the world on November 28th, 2008, at 7:23am...he was 21" long and 9lbs 14oz (which is basically 10lbs - babies get big when they are 10 days late).

We want to thank everyone for their phone calls, text messages, emails, facebook posts, and visits. This is an exciting time for us and we thank you for sharing it with us.

Hope to see you Sunday.