Tuesday, September 23, 2008

XBOX 360...

I need an XBOX 360...since I'm going to be confined to my bed or the couch for the next several weeks. Anybody want to hook me up?!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Something To Think About...

"Pray like it all depends on God and work as if it all depends on you." - Pretty bold statement, huh?!?! Something to think about isn't it?!?!

That statement, made by a friend of mine & someone I consider a mentor, has really bothered me lately. Why? Well...because, in all honesty, I haven't. I haven't been praying like it all depends on God...mostly I've been working as if it all depends on me. And for that I'm sorry. It's something easy for us all to do...believe me, I know. I apologize to my spouse, staff, people in the community I haven't met yet, and those who call Lifepoint their church home. As of today...and from here on out...I commit to: "Pray like it all depends on God and work as if it all depends on me."

For my penance and punishment (for not doing the stated above in recent weeks)...I will undergo ACL (ligament inside my knee) reconstruction this Thursday. I'm joking of course - not about the surgery - but about that being my punishment. Keep me in your prayers. Pray for skillful hands doing the surgery and a QUICK & PAINLESS recovery.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


My fantasy football team STINKS!

My "midget ninjas" (that's my team name - I hope no midgets or ninjas are offended) aren't living up to their potential. Here we are 3 weeks into the season and I'm looking at a possible 0-3 start...not cool...especially when I'm playing against guys from the church who like to talk trash.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wind Knocked Out Of Me...

So this morning, around 9:30am, I had the wind knocked out of me. Not literally...but emotionally and mentally. I finally went to an orthopedic specialist...they're gonna cut me open and do knee (ACL) surgery next Thursday (9.25.08). I knew it was coming and I want it done...but to actually sit with the doctor and schedule the surgery...wow! I left the doctor's office less than thrilled.

What does it all mean? Well...pain, probably...and lots of it for several weeks after the surgery and physical therapy multiple times a week to get back to "NFL ready" condition. It also means that I'll most likely miss at least 1 Sunday...which I hate doing...but I know my staff will do a great job in my absence. It also means being confined to either my bed or the sofa (since we have a two story house and stairs are out of the question for a week or two afterwards). It also means being waited on hand and foot...which I will actually enjoy.

Don't think about me during this time...pray!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What You Won't See @ Lifepoint...

I'm constantly thinking of new ways to do church: appearance of our facility, stage design, atmosphere, lighting, music, video, etc... Some churches think that using dance can help increase the effectiveness of a message or teaching. This video came across my desk...

I just want to ease everyone's mind...we aren't going to be doing this number anytime soon at Lifepoint Church. However, if Blake is really up for it and finds two back up singers with mad dance skills...I might reconsider.

Oh, and if you watched all 2:50 of that video...I'm guessing there's a pretty good chance you're one of those people on the freeway who slows down to look at a crash scene. Just kidding...sorta.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Current Series "LOVE WINS"...

Here we are...two weeks into our current teaching series, "Love Wins," and so far it's been amazing!

In week 1 we talked about what matters most to God - which simply stated is: that we are to love our God with all our heart, soul, and mind...and love our neighbors as ourselves. We talked in great detail about what "love" is and what is is not. Love is a command, love is NOT a feeling, love is a choice, and love is a conduct OR behavior (an action - something you do). We discovered that if we don't live a life of love: nothing I say will matter, nothing I know will matter, nothing I believe will matter, nothing I give will matter, and nothing I accomplish will matter - bold statements, huh? They come directly from God - look at the first 3 verses in 1 Corinthians 13.

This past week, week 2 of "Love Wins," we discussed the fact that love is kind. We looked closely at the parable of "The Good Samaritan" and discovered, very clearly, how Jesus wants us to respond to those around us. God wants us to start seeing the needs of people around us...and to fully do that we need to learn how to slow down. We talked about sympathizing with people's pain and found why in 2 Corinthians 1:4 (Message). And as the service ended we talked about seizing the moment, doing what needs to be done to help others (showing kindness) when they need it - not when it's convenient for us, and we fully realized that when we do show kindness to others...it always comes with a price tag (our time, money, energy, emotions, etc...).

So far during this great teaching series I've recommend two books: "Love Is The Killer App" by Tim Sanders (if you've got a job and work with other you gotta read this book) & "They Like Jesus But Not The Church" by Dan Kimball. Go out and get them or come borrow mine.

This coming Sunday, 9.21.08, we're gonna talk about the fact that love does not envy. It's gonna be a good one...you won't want to miss it.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Simple Things...

As a man, it's the simple things in life that make me happy. Spending time with my wife (date nights), hanging with my boys, laughing with friends and family, eating a good steak from time to time, and watching my Iowa Hawkeyes take the "Cy-Hawk Award" off the field after stomping Iowa State.

As a pastor the things that make me happy aren't so simple...but so very important. Things like watching new families come to Lifepoint Church, seeing people who are far from God cross the line of faith, watching staff emerge and step up to challenges, and seeing our people reach out to their friends and neighbors.

I'm proud of Lifepoint Church, my staff, and those that call Lifepoint Church home. Year number 2 is gonna be amazing...

Hope to see you Sunday.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Ton Of This...

There was a ton of this (see picture to the right) at my house on Monday night. For those of you who aren't scientist...what you're looking at is the molecular structure of Estrogen. There was a ton of Estrogen in my home Monday night.

We started up our very first Lifepoint women's Bible study this week! We had something like 25 women (including several 1st time guests at Lifepoint this past Sunday) sign up for the group that now meets every Monday night @ 7pm. I'm so thrilled that the women are coming together to build stronger relationships with each other...and more importantly with Christ. I'm also proud of my wife, Emily, and the other female staff members who are stepping up big time to lead this Bible study.

The current women's Bible study will go for about 8-10 weeks...they're using Alicia Chole's "Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years...And Yours" as the selected study material. I'm sure it will be an amazing time for these ladies to increase their faith and relationship with Christ...all while building genuine relationships with other ladies from Lifepoint Church. Needless to say...I won't be around on Bible study nights. Greyson, Tate and I have been banned from casa de Thompson on Monday evenings until mid-November.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

1 Year Anniversary Service = Amazing!

We had an amazing day today! Tons of new families and faces at Lifepoint Church. We had around 150 in attendance...pretty cool! Thanks for coming out and being part of Lifepoint Church. Sorry for the poor quality picture...I forgot a camera...so, the picture was taken with my iPhone.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Savannah Community Event...

We had an amazing time at our event with the Savannah community on Saturday (8.30.08). We set up our Lifepoint booth, painted a couple hundred faces, handed out tons of invite cards, connected with a bunch of people, and our band played for those in attendance. I love being part of this community!

It's a wonderful feeling to have the community come to us and ask if we'd be willing to participate in their event. We've been very diligent in not only building a wonderful relationship with Savannah...but building trust. They trust Lifepoint Church. They know that they can call on us and our people will show up, love on the community and provide a great atmosphere for those in attendance. That makes me proud!

I was also proud to see so many Lifepointers at the event. We must have had over 50 of our people (including kids) at the event wearing their Lifepoint t-shirts, connecting with people at the event, inviting neighbors to Lifepoint, and having fun while the band played for nearly an hour. It's important for us to have a strong presence in our communities...because they are our mission field.

Don't forget...this Sunday (9.7.08) is our 1 year anniversary...don't just show up...bring your neighbors & friends!

Hope to see you Sunday.