Thursday, April 23, 2009

Strategic: Reason #3...

Reason #3 - Location, Location, Location.

Strategic reason #3 has multiple parts to it (which will be labeled: 3a, 3b, etc...) - I'll briefly touch on those in a latter posts. All I'm going to say today is that the old adage "location, location, location" is so applicable! The future site of Lifepoint Church is in a hot bed of future development and surrounding infrastructural improvements. Location, location, location!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Great Service, Amazing Staff, Insane Game...

Yesterday, 4.19.09, was pretty close to a perfect day.

We had a great service at Lifepoint Church. The band...they never cease to amazing me. Their cover of "How To Save A Life" was legit! The message was well received and many people came to Christ OR rededicated their walk with Christ...that's what it's all about. And if you missed this past Sunday morning...go to our website and listen to the message...not just to hear the teaching...but to hear the band cover "How To Save A Life" at the end of the teaching.

After the service I took our Lifepoint staff & board (including spouses) to a Rangers day game. We spent a good part of the game in the Diamond Club (great food & awesome view of the field) hanging out and eating. Around the 6th inning we head to our seats...which turned out to be really great seats on the first base corner (lower level). the game really got interesting in the 8th & 9th inning when the Rangers tied it up and won the game with a walk off home run!

I truly am blessed to have such an amazing staff and board who I enjoying doing life with. The men and women in leadership at Lifepoint Church are amazing!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Strategic: Reason #2...

Reason #2 - Denton ISD

The 2nd strategic reason that I want to share with you regarding the future site of Lifepoint that fact that Denton ISD recently purchased 50 acres less than 1/4 of a mile from our future front door (right across the field from our future home). This 50 acres will be the future site of a Denton ISD middle school & high school. This simply means that thousands and thousands of people - students, staff and faculty will be in shadow of Lifepoint Church.

We will have such EXTREME high visibility with thousands of families in the's insane! The new middle and high school will serve families and students in the HWY 380 corridor & FM 720 area: Savannah, Paloma Creek, Providence Village, Crossroads, Cross Oak Ranch, Oak Point and other surrounding areas (not to mention smaller housing developments & future developments).

Thank you Denton ISD for choosing such a great location for a middle & high school...and thank you God! His guidance and provision is amazing!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Strategic: Reason #1...

Over the next few days or weeks I'll be submitting short blogs...each explaining why our future site is so strategic. Each blog in this series of blogs will contain a title that reads "Strategic: Reason #" (other random blogs will carry completely different titles).

Reason #1 - The Price Is Right

In our location land is EXPENSIVE! Not just "...hmmm, that's a lot of money..." expensive. I'm talking "...there's no way in the world we could obtain land unless God has extreme favor on us and does a miracle..." expensive. Which is exactly what has happened. The exact amount is not important at this time...just know that God has given us extreme favor.

We've taken this entire church planting / reaching people for God thing VERY serious. We've done everything we can to be wise with what God has given us, we've committed since day one to give no less than 10% of our general income to missions and we've been faithful with the little things. Luke 16:10-12 says "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?" We've been a blessing to others, we've been faithful, diligent and we've done everything short of sin to reach people...and God has provided!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

What an amazing day at Lifepoint Church! We had a record breaking crowd, Blake and the band were just insane, the teaching was powerful / well received, we had several first time salvations, a ton of rededications and we announced the future location of Lifepoint Church! Simply amazing!

The atmosphere after the service was electric. People were thrilled and excited about the future of Lifepoint Church. We're so honored that God allows us to partner with Him to reach people. I love the people of Lifepoint Church, my staff and my job...I'm having so much fun doing what has called us to do!

Here's the site for the future home of Lifepoint Church. It's on the SW corner of FM 720 & McCormick (about 3 miles west of Savannah and 1 1/2 miles south on FM 720 - roughly 5 or 6 minutes from our current meeting location).

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This Changes Everything...

I got some amazing news today... News that I've been waiting for for over a year.
The news...well...all I'm going to say is...
You gotta be at Lifepoint Church this Sunday, Easter, to hear it first hand. If you can't make it or if you don't live in the can listen to this Sunday's podcast on Monday April 13th.

Seriously...this changes everything!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Face Painting & Idiots...

This past weekend was great...full of face painting & idiots.

A handful of us from Lifepoint attended the Savannah Easter event...painted TONS of little faces and handed out a couple hundred invite cards for our upcoming Easter service. It's always a joy to see eyes light up when the look into a hand held mirror after having their faces painted. Painting little faces may not seem like that big of a deal...but we know that serving, loving, and reaching out to our community chips away at hardened hearts and shows our neighbors that we truly care about them. It's a joy to rub shoulders and show Christ's love to those we come in contact with.

Idiots... I'm not going to take a great deal of time to explain this past weekend's message...go listen online. I will say I had a bunch of people tell me it was the first time they had ever been called an "idiot" at church...they loved it & the message Sunday will stick with them for a very long time!

This weekend at Lifepoint Church is going to be REDONKULOUS!
We're starting a brand new teaching series, "Mixtape", and it's EASTER!

Hope to see you Sunday.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Easter Invite Card & Free iTunes Download...

Here's the invite card I designed for our "Mixtape" series we're doing starting April 12th - Easter.



"Today" is the first song, from our upcoming Lifepoint worship album, that's completely mixed and mastered. "Today" is also the song that we're giving away as a free iTunes download (as listed on the back of the Easter invite card).

Hope to see you Sunday.